sharp pencils

Photo credit: Avelino Calvar Martinez from Burst

{ Boot Camp }

The how and why of script clearances and title searches

Script clearances. Title searches. What are they? Why are they needed? How can I learn more?

Anne Marie Murphy has been answering those questions in her clearances seminar for decades. In a two-hour session, attendees discover the ins and outs of this process, learning about the reasons for getting both reports, their content, the research involved, the importance of the work (you’ll need these for e&o insurance!), and problems that can arise when this process is overlooked. This crucial piece of film and television production is not part of film school curriculum. Here’s a way to fix that.

Anne Marie has visited the following training programs to share her expertise, some for as many as fifteen+ years:

  • Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
  • Canadian Film Centre
  • Emerson College Los Angeles Center MFA screenwriting program
  • Harvard Square Scriptwriters
  • Montreal Film Festival producer’s insurance panel
  • National Screen Institute
  • Ontario Media Development Corporation
  • Queen’s University Department of Film Studies
  • Rhode Island International Film Festival ScriptBiz workshop
  • Whistler Film Festival Society talent program

Hear from some of the schools she has worked with over the years:

Anne Marie Murphy’s advice on script clearance and titles is an invaluable lecture that she delivers to my second year MFA screenwriting students every year in Los Angeles. This business area of script development is an obscure area for many student writers and Murphy’s presentation sheds important light on that process. My students often say that they wish they had known about these areas even sooner in the curriculum. Murphy’s detailed presentation gives students the right direction to take with their scripts in this complicated area and provides them the necessary tools to succeed in the competitive world of film and TV writing.
– Jim Lane PhD, Senior Scholar-in-Residence, Graduate Program Director, Low Residency MFA in Writing Film & Television, Emerson College Los Angeles Center

We have been working with Anne Marie and Eastern Script for over 20 years, and are very thankful for their continued expertise and mentorship. Anne Marie Murphy’s workshop on clearances has helped prepare over 300 CFC producers, directors and writers for this critically important step in the content creation process. Her guidance has enabled our storytellers to avoid many clearance pitfalls ensuring that their stories can secure E&O insurance and are able to reach a larger international audience as a result.
– Kathryn Emslie, Executive Lead, Programs – Talent Development & Content Creation, Canadian Film Centre

Eastern Script has proven to be invaluable in our film training labs, providing emerging and mid-level experienced filmmakers with essential insights into the intricate world of intellectual property rights and legal considerations within the industry. Through online sessions, participants learn the meticulous process of ensuring a film’s script and title complies with copyright laws, mitigating potential legal challenges. This interactive experience not only sharpens their attention to detail but also cultivates a deep understanding of the legal landscape that underpins creative filmmaking and their responsibilities. Such knowledge is crucial for aspiring professionals, preparing them to navigate legal complexities and contribute responsibly to the vibrant tapestry of the film world.”
– Shelly Quade, Talent Programs Manager, Whistler Film Festival Society, formerly Manager of Programs and Development, National Screen Institute

For more details on this seminar (pricing, scheduling, etc.), contact or use the Boot Camp form to get in touch.

Phone: 844.842.3999

Canadian Office | #223-829 Norwest Road, Kingston, ON K7P 2N3
U.S. Office | 41 Havelock Road, Worcester MA 01602

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