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Legal research for the entertainment industry since 1993.
Seasoned producers and lawyers know where to turn for expert clearance reports, title searches, and other legal research. They rely on Eastern Script for prompt, reliable and cost–effective service.
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Anticipating problems and finding solutions.
When you’re creating a film, television program, new media production, or publishing project, you need to ensure that the names, titles and copyright–protected items are cleared for use.
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Clearance reports for Errors & Omissions insurance.
We provide clearance reports, rights holder location, title searches, business and brand name searches and general research.
Phone: 844.842.3999
Canadian Office | #223-829 Norwest Road, Kingston, ON K7P 2N3
U.S. Office | 41 Havelock Road, Worcester MA 01602
Legal Research for the Entertainment Industry
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